3D Game Programming All in One
3D Game Programming All in One Disc.iso
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3,553 lines
new GuiControl(EditorGui) {
profile = "GuiDefaultProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "0 0";
extent = "640 480";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
currentEditor = "World Editor Inspector";
saveAs = "0";
new EditManager() {
profile = "GuiDefaultProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "0 0";
extent = "64 64";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
new WorldEditor(EWorldEditor) {
profile = "MissionEditorProfile";
horizSizing = "width";
vertSizing = "height";
position = "0 22";
extent = "640 458";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "0";
helpTag = "0";
renderMissionArea = "1";
missionAreaFillColor = "255 0 0 20";
missionAreaFrameColor = "255 0 0 128";
consoleFrameColor = "255 0 0 255";
consoleFillColor = "0 0 0 0";
consoleSphereLevel = "1";
consoleCircleSegments = "32";
consoleLineWidth = "1";
isDirty = "0";
planarMovement = "1";
undoLimit = "40";
dropType = "screenCenter";
projectDistance = "2000";
boundingBoxCollision = "1";
renderPlane = "1";
renderPlaneHashes = "1";
gridColor = "255 255 255 20";
planeDim = "500";
gridSize = "10 10 10";
renderPopupBackground = "1";
popupBackgroundColor = "100 100 100 255";
popupTextColor = "255 255 0 255";
objectTextColor = "255 255 255 255";
objectsUseBoxCenter = "1";
axisGizmoMaxScreenLen = "200";
axisGizmoActive = "1";
mouseMoveScale = "0.2";
mouseRotateScale = "0.01";
mouseScaleScale = "0.01";
minScaleFactor = "0.1";
maxScaleFactor = "4000";
objSelectColor = "255 0 0 255";
objMouseOverSelectColor = "0 0 255 255";
objMouseOverColor = "0 255 0 255";
showMousePopupInfo = "1";
dragRectColor = "255 255 0 255";
renderObjText = "1";
renderObjHandle = "1";
objTextFormat = "$id$: $name$";
faceSelectColor = "0 0 100 100";
renderSelectionBox = "1";
selectionBoxColor = "255 255 0 255";
selectionLocked = "0";
snapToGrid = "0";
snapRotations = "0";
rotationSnap = "15";
toggleIgnoreList = "0";
renderNav = "0";
selectHandle = "./SelectHandle.png";
defaultHandle = "./DefaultHandle.png";
lockedHandle = "./LockedHandle.png";
numEditModes = "3";
editMode2 = "scale";
editMode0 = "move";
editMode1 = "rotate";
new GuiControl(EWMissionArea) {
profile = "EditorScrollProfile";
horizSizing = "left";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "380 0";
extent = "260 280";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
new GuiControl(AE_MainBar) {
profile = "GuiDefaultProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "0 0";
extent = "260 22";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
new GuiCheckBoxCtrl() {
profile = "GuiCheckBoxProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "4 3";
extent = "60 18";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
command = "AreaEditor.enableEditing = $ThisControl.getValue();";
helpTag = "0";
text = "Edit Area";
groupNum = "-1";
buttonType = "ToggleButton";
new GuiButtonCtrl() {
profile = "GuiButtonProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "65 3";
extent = "60 18";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
command = "AreaEditor.centerWorld();";
helpTag = "0";
text = "Center";
groupNum = "-1";
buttonType = "PushButton";
new GuiButtonCtrl() {
profile = "GuiButtonProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "126 3";
extent = "60 18";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
command = "AreaEditor.enableMirroring = true;AE_MainBar.setVisible(0);AE_MirrorBar.setVisible(1);";
helpTag = "0";
text = "Mirror";
groupNum = "-1";
buttonType = "PushButton";
new GuiControl(AE_MirrorBar) {
profile = "GuiDefaultProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "0 0";
extent = "260 22";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "0";
helpTag = "0";
new GuiButtonCtrl() {
profile = "GuiButtonProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "6 3";
extent = "30 18";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
command = "if(AreaEditor.mirrorIndex == 0) AreaEditor.mirrorIndex = 7; else AreaEditor.mirrorIndex--;";
helpTag = "0";
text = "<--";
groupNum = "-1";
buttonType = "PushButton";
new GuiButtonCtrl() {
profile = "GuiButtonProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "39 3";
extent = "30 18";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
command = "if(AreaEditor.mirrorIndex == 7) AreaEditor.mirrorIndex = 0; else AreaEditor.mirrorIndex++;";
helpTag = "0";
text = "-->";
groupNum = "-1";
buttonType = "PushButton";
new GuiButtonCtrl() {
profile = "GuiButtonProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "80 3";
extent = "60 18";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
command = "AreaEditor.enableMirroring = false;ETerrainEditor.mirrorTerrain(AreaEditor.mirrorIndex);AreaEditor.updateTerrain();AE_MirrorBar.setVisible(0);AE_MainBar.setVisible(1);";
helpTag = "0";
text = "Apply";
tooltipprofile = "GuiToolTipProfile";
tooltip = "Don't forget to hit Apply after making changes!";
groupNum = "-1";
buttonType = "PushButton";
new GuiButtonCtrl() {
profile = "GuiButtonProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "143 3";
extent = "60 18";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
command = "AreaEditor.enableMirroring = false;AE_MirrorBar.setVisible(0);AE_MainBar.setVisible(1);";
helpTag = "0";
text = "Cancel";
groupNum = "-1";
buttonType = "PushButton";
new MissionAreaEditor(AreaEditor) {
profile = "GuiDefaultProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "2 22";
extent = "256 256";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
wrap = "0";
squareBitmap = "1";
enableEditing = "0";
renderCamera = "1";
handleFrameColor = "255 255 255 255";
handleFillColor = "0 0 0 255";
defaultObjectColor = "0 255 0 100";
waterObjectColor = "0 0 255 100";
missionBoundsColor = "255 0 0 255";
cameraColor = "255 0 0 255";
enableMirroring = "0";
mirrorIndex = "0";
mirrorLineColor = "255 0 255 255";
mirrorArrowColor = "255 0 255 128";
new GuiTextCtrl(AreaEditingText) {
profile = "GuiTextProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "top";
position = "7 258";
extent = "151 18";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
maxLength = "255";
new GuiFrameSetCtrl(EWFrame) {
profile = "GuiDefaultProfile";
horizSizing = "left";
vertSizing = "height";
position = "370 0";
extent = "270 458";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "0";
helpTag = "0";
columns = "0";
rows = "0 321";
borderWidth = "4";
borderColor = "206 206 206 206";
borderEnable = "dynamic";
borderMovable = "dynamic";
autoBalance = "0";
fudgeFactor = "0";
new GuiControl(EWTreePane) {
profile = "GuiDefaultProfile";
horizSizing = "width";
vertSizing = "height";
position = "0 0";
extent = "270 317";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
new GuiScrollCtrl() {
profile = "EditorScrollProfile";
horizSizing = "width";
vertSizing = "height";
position = "0 0";
extent = "270 317";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
willFirstRespond = "1";
hScrollBar = "alwaysOff";
vScrollBar = "alwaysOn";
constantThumbHeight = "0";
childMargin = "0 0";
new GuiTreeViewCtrl(EditorTree) {
profile = "GuiTreeViewProfile";
horizSizing = "width";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "2 2";
extent = "640 11";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
new GuiControl(EWCreatorInspectorPane) {
profile = "GuiDefaultProfile";
horizSizing = "width";
vertSizing = "height";
position = "0 321";
extent = "270 137";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
new GuiScrollCtrl(EWCreatorPane) {
profile = "EditorScrollProfile";
horizSizing = "width";
vertSizing = "height";
position = "0 0";
extent = "270 137";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "0";
helpTag = "0";
willFirstRespond = "1";
hScrollBar = "dynamic";
vScrollBar = "alwaysOn";
constantThumbHeight = "0";
childMargin = "0 0";
new GuiTreeViewCtrl(Creator) {
profile = "GuiTreeViewProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "2 2";
extent = "93 44";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
new GuiControl(EWInspectorPane) {
profile = "GuiDefaultProfile";
horizSizing = "width";
vertSizing = "height";
position = "0 0";
extent = "270 137";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
new GuiControl() {
profile = "EditorScrollProfile";
horizSizing = "width";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "0 0";
extent = "270 24";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
new GuiButtonCtrl() {
profile = "GuiButtonProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "2 2";
extent = "40 20";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
command = "EWorldEditor.isDirty = true;inspector.setName(InspectorNameEdit.getValue());InspectorNameEdit.makeFirstResponder(true);";
helpTag = "0";
text = "Apply";
tooltipprofile = "GuiToolTipProfile";
tooltip = "Don't forget to hit Apply after making changes!";
groupNum = "-1";
buttonType = "PushButton";
new GuiTextCtrl() {
profile = "GuiInspectorFieldProfile";
position = "52 4";
extent = "42 16";
text = "Name:";
new GuiTextEditCtrl (InspectorNameEdit) {
profile = "GuiInspectorBackgroundProfile";
position = "97 4";
extent = "164 18";
text = "";
horizSizing = "width";
AltCommand = "EWorldEditor.isDirty = true;inspector.setName(InspectorNameEdit.getValue());";
vertSizing = "bottom";
autoSizeWidth = false;
autoSizeHeight = true;
textOffset = "0 2";
new GuiScrollCtrl() {
profile = "EditorScrollProfile";
horizSizing = "width";
vertSizing = "height";
position = "0 24";
extent = "270 113";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
willFirstRespond = "1";
hScrollBar = "dynamic";
vScrollBar = "alwaysOn";
constantThumbHeight = "0";
childMargin = "0 0";
new GuiInspector(Inspector) {
profile = "GuiDefaultProfile";
horizSizing = "width";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "2 2";
extent = "248 74";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
editControlOffset = "5";
entryHeight = "16";
textExtent = "80";
entrySpacing = "2";
maxMenuExtent = "80";
new TerrainEditor(ETerrainEditor) {
profile = "MissionEditorProfile";
horizSizing = "width";
vertSizing = "height";
position = "0 22";
extent = "640 458";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
renderMissionArea = "1";
missionAreaFillColor = "255 0 0 20";
missionAreaFrameColor = "255 0 0 128";
consoleFrameColor = "255 0 0 255";
consoleFillColor = "0 0 0 0";
consoleSphereLevel = "1";
consoleCircleSegments = "32";
consoleLineWidth = "1";
isDirty = "1";
renderBorder = "1";
borderHeight = "10";
borderFillColor = "0 255 0 20";
borderFrameColor = "0 255 0 128";
borderLineMode = "0";
selectionHidden = "1";
enableSoftBrushes = "1";
renderVertexSelection = "1";
processUsesBrush = "0";
adjustHeightVal = "10";
setHeightVal = "100";
scaleVal = "1";
smoothFactor = "0.1";
materialGroup = "0";
softSelectRadius = "50";
softSelectFilter = "1.000000 0.833333 0.666667 0.500000 0.333333 0.166667 0.000000";
softSelectDefaultFilter = "1.000000 0.833333 0.666667 0.500000 0.333333 0.166667 0.000000";
adjustHeightMouseScale = "0.1";
currentMode = "paint";
softSelecting = "1";
brushSize = "9";
currentAction = "brushAdjustHeight";
new GuiControl(EHeightField) {
profile = "GuiModelessDialogProfile";
horizSizing = "width";
vertSizing = "height";
position = "0 0";
extent = "640 458";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
new GuiControl(HeightfieldTabParent) {
profile = "EditorScrollProfile";
horizSizing = "left";
vertSizing = "height";
position = "370 0";
extent = "270 458";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
hScrollBar = "alwaysOff";
vScrollBar = "alwaysOff";
constantThumbHeight = "1";
willFirstRespond = "1";
new GuiControl(tab_fBm) {
profile = "GuiDefaultProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "0 0";
extent = "261 198";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "0";
helpTag = "0";
new GuiTextCtrl() {
profile = "GuiTextProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "6 6";
extent = "100 18";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
text = "fBm Fractal Settings:";
maxLength = "255";
new GuiTextCtrl() {
profile = "GuiTextProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "86 35";
extent = "71 18";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
text = "Hill Frequency:";
maxLength = "255";
tooltipprofile = "GuiToolTipProfile";
tooltip = "Indirectly determines number of hills. Higher values create more hills.";
new GuiTextEditSliderCtrl(fbm_interval) {
profile = "GuiTextEditProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "166 35";
extent = "78 18";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
maxLength = "255";
historySize = "0";
password = "0";
tabComplete = "0";
format = "%1.0f";
range = "1 24";
increment = "1";
tooltipprofile = "GuiToolTipProfile";
tooltip = "Indirectly determines number of hills. Higher values create more hills.";
new GuiTextCtrl() {
profile = "GuiTextProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "99 60";
extent = "58 18";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
text = "Roughness:";
maxLength = "255";
tooltipprofile = "GuiToolTipProfile";
tooltip = "Determines roundness of hills. Lower values = more rounded hills.";
new GuiButtonCtrl() {
profile = "GuiButtonProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "166 136";
extent = "77 20";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
command = "fBm_seed.setValue(terraFormer.generateSeed());Heightfield::saveTab();Heightfield::preview($selectedOperation);";
helpTag = "0";
text = "New Seed";
groupNum = "-1";
buttonType = "PushButton";
new GuiTextCtrl() {
profile = "GuiTextProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "87 110";
extent = "70 18";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
text = "Random Seed:";
maxLength = "255";
tooltipprofile = "GuiToolTipProfile";
tooltip = "Seed value for random number generator.";
new GuiTextEditCtrl(fBm_seed) {
profile = "GuiTextEditProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "166 110";
extent = "78 18";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
text = "0";
maxLength = "255";
historySize = "5";
password = "0";
tabComplete = "0";
tooltipprofile = "GuiToolTipProfile";
tooltip = "Seed value for random number generator.";
new GuiTextEditSliderCtrl(fbm_rough) {
profile = "GuiTextEditProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "166 60";
extent = "78 18";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
maxLength = "255";
historySize = "0";
password = "0";
tabComplete = "0";
format = "%0.3f";
range = "0 1";
increment = "0.001";
tooltipprofile = "GuiToolTipProfile";
tooltip = "Determines roundness of hills. Lower values = more rounded hills.";
new GuiTextCtrl() {
profile = "GuiTextProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "128 85";
extent = "29 18";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
text = "Detail:";
maxLength = "255";
TooltipProfile = "GuiToolTipProfile";
tooltip = "Higher values produce more jagged peaks.";
new GuiPopUpMenuCtrl(fbm_detail) {
profile = "GuiPopUpMenuProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "166 85";
extent = "78 18";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
command = "Heightfield::saveTab();Heightfield::preview($selectedOperation);";
helpTag = "0";
maxLength = "255";
maxPopupHeight = "200";
TooltipProfile = "GuiToolTipProfile";
tooltip = "Higher values produce more jagged peaks.";
new GuiControl(tab_RMF) {
profile = "GuiDefaultProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "0 0";
extent = "261 198";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "0";
helpTag = "0";
new GuiTextCtrl() {
profile = "GuiTextProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "6 6";
extent = "125 18";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
text = "Rigid MultiFractal Settings:";
maxLength = "255";
new GuiTextCtrl() {
profile = "GuiTextProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "87 35";
extent = "71 18";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
text = "Hill Frequency:";
maxLength = "255";
tooltipprofile = "GuiToolTipProfile";
tooltip = "Indirectly determines number of hills. Higher values create more hills.";
new GuiButtonCtrl() {
profile = "GuiButtonProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "168 137";
extent = "73 20";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
command = "rmf_seed.setValue(terraFormer.generateSeed());Heightfield::saveTab();Heightfield::preview($selectedOperation);";
helpTag = "0";
text = "New Seed";
groupNum = "-1";
buttonType = "PushButton";
new GuiTextCtrl() {
profile = "GuiTextProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "101 60";
extent = "58 18";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
text = "Roughness:";
maxLength = "255";
tooltipprofile = "GuiToolTipProfile";
tooltip = "Determines roundness of hills. Lower values = more rounded hills.";
new GuiTextEditSliderCtrl(rmf_interval) {
profile = "GuiTextEditProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "166 35";
extent = "78 18";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
maxLength = "255";
historySize = "0";
password = "0";
tabComplete = "0";
format = "%1.0f";
range = "1 16";
increment = "1";
tooltipprofile = "GuiToolTipProfile";
tooltip = "Indirectly determines number of hills. Higher values create more hills.";
new GuiTextCtrl() {
profile = "GuiTextProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "90 111";
extent = "67 18";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
text = "Random Seed";
maxLength = "255";
tooltipprofile = "GuiToolTipProfile";
tooltip = "Seed value for random number generator.";
new GuiTextEditCtrl(rmf_seed) {
profile = "GuiTextEditProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "166 110";
extent = "78 18";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
text = "0";
maxLength = "255";
historySize = "5";
password = "0";
tabComplete = "0";
tooltipprofile = "GuiToolTipProfile";
tooltip = "Seed value for random number generator.";
new GuiTextEditSliderCtrl(rmf_rough) {
profile = "GuiTextEditProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "166 60";
extent = "78 18";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
maxLength = "255";
historySize = "0";
password = "0";
tabComplete = "0";
format = "%0.3f";
range = "0 1";
increment = "0.001";
tooltipprofile = "GuiToolTipProfile";
tooltip = "Determines roundness of hills. Lower values = more rounded hills.";
new GuiTextCtrl() {
profile = "GuiTextProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "128 85";
extent = "29 18";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
text = "Detail:";
maxLength = "255";
TooltipProfile = "GuiToolTipProfile";
tooltip = "Higher values produce more jagged peaks.";
new GuiPopUpMenuCtrl(rmf_detail) {
profile = "GuiPopUpMenuProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "166 85";
extent = "78 18";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
command = "Heightfield::saveTab();Heightfield::preview($selectedOperation);";
helpTag = "0";
maxLength = "255";
maxPopupHeight = "200";
TooltipProfile = "GuiToolTipProfile";
tooltip = "Higher values produce more jagged peaks.";
new GuiControl(tab_Canyon) {
profile = "GuiDefaultProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "0 0";
extent = "261 198";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "0";
helpTag = "0";
new GuiTextCtrl() {
profile = "GuiTextProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "6 6";
extent = "118 18";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
text = "Canyon Fractal Settings:";
maxLength = "255";
new GuiTextCtrl() {
profile = "GuiTextProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "124 61";
extent = "34 18";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
text = "Chaos:";
maxLength = "255";
tooltipprofile = "GuiToolTipProfile";
tooltip = "0 = very straight canyons. 1 = very squirrelly canyons.";
new GuiTextEditSliderCtrl(canyon_freq) {
profile = "GuiTextEditProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "166 35";
extent = "78 18";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
maxLength = "255";
historySize = "0";
password = "0";
tabComplete = "0";
format = "%1.0f";
range = "4 10";
increment = "1";
tooltipprofile = "GuiToolTipProfile";
tooltip = "Number of canyons to produce.";
new GuiTextCtrl() {
profile = "GuiTextProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "63 35";
extent = "95 18";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
text = "Canyon Frequency:";
maxLength = "255";
tooltipprofile = "GuiToolTipProfile";
tooltip = "Number of canyons to produce.";
new GuiButtonCtrl() {
profile = "GuiButtonProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "168 114";
extent = "73 20";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
command = "canyon_seed.setValue(terraFormer.generateSeed());Heightfield::saveTab();Heightfield::preview($selectedOperation);";
helpTag = "0";
text = "New Seed";
groupNum = "-1";
buttonType = "PushButton";
new GuiTextCtrl() {
profile = "GuiTextProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "88 89";
extent = "70 18";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
text = "Random Seed:";
maxLength = "255";
tooltipprofile = "GuiToolTipProfile";
tooltip = "Seed value for random number generator.";
new GuiTextEditCtrl(canyon_seed) {
profile = "GuiTextEditProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "166 89";
extent = "78 18";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
text = "0";
maxLength = "255";
historySize = "5";
password = "0";
tabComplete = "0";
tooltipprofile = "GuiToolTipProfile";
tooltip = "Seed value for random number generator.";
new GuiTextEditSliderCtrl(canyon_factor) {
profile = "GuiTextEditProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "166 62";
extent = "78 18";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
maxLength = "255";
historySize = "0";
password = "0";
tabComplete = "0";
format = "%0.3f";
range = "0 1";
increment = "0.001";
tooltipprofile = "GuiToolTipProfile";
tooltip = "0 = very straight canyons. 1 = very squirrelly canyons.";
new GuiControl(tab_Smooth) {
profile = "GuiDefaultProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "0 0";
extent = "261 198";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "0";
helpTag = "0";
new GuiTextCtrl() {
profile = "GuiTextProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "6 6";
extent = "95 18";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
text = "Smoothing Settings:";
maxLength = "255";
new GuiTextCtrl() {
profile = "GuiTextProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "79 64";
extent = "77 18";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
text = "Agressiveness:";
maxLength = "255";
tooltipprofile = "GuiToolTipProfile";
tooltip = "A relative factor, determining how much material to remove.";
new GuiTextEditSliderCtrl(smooth_iter) {
profile = "GuiTextEditProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "166 35";
extent = "78 18";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
command = "Heightfield::saveTab($selectedOperation);Heightfield::preview($selectedOperation);";
helpTag = "0";
maxLength = "255";
historySize = "0";
password = "0";
tabComplete = "0";
format = "%1.0f";
range = "0 40";
increment = "1";
tooltipprofile = "GuiToolTipProfile";
tooltip = "Number of smoothing passes to run.";
new GuiTextCtrl() {
profile = "GuiTextProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "109 36";
extent = "47 18";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
text = "Iterations:";
maxLength = "255";
tooltipprofile = "GuiToolTipProfile";
tooltip = "Number of smoothing passes to run.";
new GuiTextEditSliderCtrl(smooth_factor) {
profile = "GuiTextEditProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "166 63";
extent = "78 18";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
maxLength = "255";
historySize = "0";
password = "0";
tabComplete = "0";
format = "%0.3f";
range = "0 1";
increment = "0.001";
tooltipprofile = "GuiToolTipProfile";
tooltip = "A relative factor, determining how much material to remove.";
new GuiControl(tab_SmoothWater) {
profile = "GuiDefaultProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "0 0";
extent = "261 198";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "0";
helpTag = "0";
new GuiTextCtrl() {
profile = "GuiTextProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "6 6";
extent = "154 18";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
text = "Water Area Smoothing Settings:";
maxLength = "255";
new GuiTextCtrl() {
profile = "GuiTextProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "79 64";
extent = "77 18";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
text = "Agressiveness:";
maxLength = "255";
tooltipprofile = "GuiToolTipProfile";
tooltip = "A relative factor, determining how much material to remove.";
new GuiTextEditSliderCtrl(watersmooth_iter) {
profile = "GuiTextEditProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "166 35";
extent = "78 18";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
command = "Heightfield::saveTab($selectedOperation);Heightfield::preview($selectedOperation);";
helpTag = "0";
maxLength = "255";
historySize = "0";
password = "0";
tabComplete = "0";
format = "%1.0f";
range = "0 40";
increment = "1";
tooltipprofile = "GuiToolTipProfile";
tooltip = "Number of smoothing passes to run.";
new GuiTextCtrl() {
profile = "GuiTextProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "109 36";
extent = "47 18";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
text = "Iterations:";
maxLength = "255";
tooltipprofile = "GuiToolTipProfile";
tooltip = "Number of smoothing passes to run.";
new GuiTextEditSliderCtrl(watersmooth_factor) {
profile = "GuiTextEditProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "166 63";
extent = "78 18";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
maxLength = "255";
historySize = "0";
password = "0";
tabComplete = "0";
format = "%0.3f";
range = "0 1";
increment = "0.001";
tooltipprofile = "GuiToolTipProfile";
tooltip = "A relative factor, determining how much material to remove.";
new GuiControl(tab_SmoothRidge) {
profile = "GuiDefaultProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "0 0";
extent = "261 198";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "0";
helpTag = "0";
new GuiTextCtrl() {
profile = "GuiTextProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "6 6";
extent = "152 18";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
text = "Ridge Area Smoothing Settings:";
maxLength = "255";
new GuiTextCtrl() {
profile = "GuiTextProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "79 64";
extent = "77 18";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
text = "Agressiveness:";
maxLength = "255";
tooltipprofile = "GuiToolTipProfile";
tooltip = "A relative factor, determining how much material to remove.";
new GuiTextEditSliderCtrl(Ridgesmooth_iter) {
profile = "GuiTextEditProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "166 35";
extent = "78 18";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
command = "Heightfield::saveTab($selectedOperation);Heightfield::preview($selectedOperation);";
helpTag = "0";
maxLength = "255";
historySize = "0";
password = "0";
tabComplete = "0";
format = "%1.0f";
range = "0 40";
increment = "1";
tooltipprofile = "GuiToolTipProfile";
tooltip = "Number of smoothing passes to run.";
new GuiTextCtrl() {
profile = "GuiTextProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "109 36";
extent = "47 18";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
text = "Iterations:";
maxLength = "255";
tooltipprofile = "GuiToolTipProfile";
tooltip = "Number of smoothing passes to run.";
new GuiTextEditSliderCtrl(Ridgesmooth_factor) {
profile = "GuiTextEditProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "166 63";
extent = "78 18";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
maxLength = "255";
historySize = "0";
password = "0";
tabComplete = "0";
format = "%0.3f";
range = "0 1";
increment = "0.001";
tooltipprofile = "GuiToolTipProfile";
tooltip = "A relative factor, determining how much material to remove.";
new GuiControl(tab_Filter) {
profile = "GuiDefaultProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "0 0";
extent = "261 198";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "0";
helpTag = "0";
new GuiTextCtrl() {
profile = "GuiTextProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "6 6";
extent = "101 18";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
text = "Height Filter Settings:";
maxLength = "255";
new GuiFilterCtrl(filter) {
profile = "GuiDefaultProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "16 29";
extent = "130 130";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
command = "Heightfield::saveTab($selectedOperation);Heightfield::preview($selectedOperation);";
helpTag = "0";
controlPoints = "7";
filter = "0.000000 0.130770 0.161540 0.223080 0.369230 0.507690 1.000000";
new GuiTextCtrl() {
profile = "GuiTextProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "154 84";
extent = "30 18";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
text = "Result";
maxLength = "255";
new GuiTextCtrl() {
profile = "GuiTextProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "68 167";
extent = "23 18";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
text = "Input";
maxLength = "255";
new GuiTextCtrl() {
profile = "GuiTextProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "16 160";
extent = "16 18";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
text = "min";
maxLength = "255";
new GuiTextCtrl() {
profile = "GuiTextProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "127 160";
extent = "20 18";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
text = "max";
maxLength = "255";
new GuiTextCtrl() {
profile = "GuiTextProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "150 142";
extent = "16 18";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
text = "min";
maxLength = "255";
new GuiTextCtrl() {
profile = "GuiTextProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "150 28";
extent = "20 18";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
text = "max";
maxLength = "255";
new GuiTextEditSliderCtrl() {
profile = "GuiTextEditProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "189 139";
extent = "61 18";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
variable = "filter.controlPoints";
command = "filter.controlPoints = $ThisControl.getValue();Heightfield::saveTab($selectedOperation);Heightfield::preview($selectedOperation);";
helpTag = "0";
maxLength = "255";
historySize = "0";
password = "0";
tabComplete = "0";
format = "%3.0f";
range = "2 20";
increment = "1";
new GuiTextCtrl() {
profile = "GuiTextProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "187 118";
extent = "66 18";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
text = "Control Points";
maxLength = "255";
new GuiControl(tab_Turbulence) {
profile = "GuiDefaultProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "0 0";
extent = "261 198";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "0";
helpTag = "0";
new GuiTextCtrl() {
profile = "GuiTextProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "6 6";
extent = "99 18";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
text = "Turbulence Settings:";
maxLength = "255";
new GuiTextCtrl() {
profile = "GuiTextProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "65 34";
extent = "91 18";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
text = "Turbulence Factor:";
maxLength = "255";
tooltipprofile = "GuiToolTipProfile";
tooltip = "Determines strength of action. Lower values = less displacement.";
new GuiTextEditSliderCtrl(turbulence_factor) {
profile = "GuiTextEditProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "166 35";
extent = "78 18";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
maxLength = "255";
historySize = "0";
password = "0";
tabComplete = "0";
format = "%0.3f";
range = "0 1";
increment = "0.001";
tooltipprofile = "GuiToolTipProfile";
tooltip = "Determines strength of action. Lower values = less displacement.";
new GuiTextCtrl() {
profile = "GuiTextProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "75 61";
extent = "81 18";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
text = "Radius of Effect:";
maxLength = "255";
tooltipprofile = "GuiToolTipProfile";
tooltip = "Determines filter size.";
new GuiTextEditSliderCtrl(turbulence_radius) {
profile = "GuiTextEditProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "166 61";
extent = "78 18";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
maxLength = "255";
historySize = "0";
password = "0";
tabComplete = "0";
format = "%1.0f";
range = "1 40";
increment = "1";
tooltipprofile = "GuiToolTipProfile";
tooltip = "Determines filter size.";
new GuiControl(tab_Thermal) {
profile = "GuiDefaultProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "0 0";
extent = "261 198";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "0";
helpTag = "0";
new GuiTextCtrl() {
profile = "GuiTextProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "6 6";
extent = "122 18";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
text = "Thermal Erosion Settings:";
maxLength = "255";
new GuiTextCtrl() {
profile = "GuiTextProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "112 36";
extent = "47 18";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
text = "Iterations:";
maxLength = "255";
tooltipprofile = "GuiToolTipProfile";
tooltip = "Number of smoothing passes to run.";
new GuiTextCtrl() {
profile = "GuiTextProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "79 91";
extent = "80 18";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
text = "Material Loss %:";
maxLength = "255";
tooltipprofile = "GuiToolTipProfile";
tooltip = "What relative percentage of material should be removed per pass.";
new GuiTextCtrl() {
profile = "GuiTextProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "20 63";
extent = "139 18";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
text = "Min Erosion Slope (degrees):";
maxLength = "255";
tooltipprofile = "GuiToolTipProfile";
tooltip = "Defines a cut-off slope value.";
new GuiTextEditSliderCtrl(thermal_iter) {
profile = "GuiTextEditProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "166 36";
extent = "78 18";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
maxLength = "255";
historySize = "0";
password = "0";
tabComplete = "0";
format = "%1.0f";
range = "0 50";
increment = "1";
tooltipprofile = "GuiToolTipProfile";
tooltip = "Number of smoothing passes to run.";
new GuiTextEditSliderCtrl(thermal_slope) {
profile = "GuiTextEditProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "166 63";
extent = "78 18";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
maxLength = "255";
historySize = "0";
password = "0";
tabComplete = "0";
format = "%2.1f";
range = "0 89";
increment = "0.1";
tooltipprofile = "GuiToolTipProfile";
tooltip = "Defines a cut-off slope value.";
new GuiTextEditSliderCtrl(thermal_cons) {
profile = "GuiTextEditProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "166 90";
extent = "78 18";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
maxLength = "255";
historySize = "0";
password = "0";
tabComplete = "0";
format = "%2.1f";
range = "0 100";
increment = "0.1";
tooltipprofile = "GuiToolTipProfile";
tooltip = "What relative percentage of material should be removed per pass.";
new GuiControl(tab_Hydraulic) {
profile = "GuiDefaultProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "0 0";
extent = "259 198";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "0";
helpTag = "0";
new GuiTextCtrl() {
profile = "GuiTextProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "6 6";
extent = "129 18";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
text = "Hydraulic Erosion Settings:";
maxLength = "255";
new GuiTextCtrl() {
profile = "GuiTextProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "112 34";
extent = "47 18";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
text = "Iterations:";
maxLength = "255";
tooltipprofile = "GuiToolTipProfile";
tooltip = "Number of erosion passes to run.";
new GuiFilterCtrl(hydraulic_filter) {
profile = "GuiDefaultProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "16 57";
extent = "130 130";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
command = "Heightfield::saveTab();Heightfield::preview($selectedOperation);";
helpTag = "0";
controlPoints = "7";
filter = "0.000000 0.166667 0.333333 0.500000 0.666667 0.833333 1.000000";
new GuiTextEditSliderCtrl(hydraulic_iter) {
profile = "GuiTextEditProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "166 35";
extent = "78 18";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
maxLength = "255";
historySize = "0";
password = "0";
tabComplete = "0";
format = "%1.0f";
range = "0 50";
increment = "1";
tooltipprofile = "GuiToolTipProfile";
tooltip = "Number of erosion passes to run.";
new GuiTextEditSliderCtrl() {
profile = "GuiTextEditProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "165 161";
extent = "64 18";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
variable = "hydraulic_filter.controlPoints";
command = "hydraulic_filter.controlPoints = $ThisControl.getValue();Heightfield::saveTab();Heightfield::preview($selectedOperation);";
helpTag = "0";
maxLength = "255";
historySize = "0";
password = "0";
tabComplete = "0";
format = "%3.0f";
range = "2 20";
increment = "1";
new GuiTextCtrl() {
profile = "GuiTextProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "165 141";
extent = "69 18";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
text = "Control Points:";
maxLength = "255";
new GuiControl(tab_Sinus) {
profile = "GuiDefaultProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "0 0";
extent = "259 199";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "0";
helpTag = "0";
new GuiTextCtrl() {
profile = "GuiTextProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "6 6";
extent = "72 18";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
text = "Sinus Settings:";
maxLength = "255";
new GuiFilterCtrl(sinus_filter) {
profile = "GuiDefaultProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "36 64";
extent = "130 130";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
command = "Heightfield::saveTab();Heightfield::preview($selectedOperation);";
helpTag = "0";
controlPoints = "7";
filter = "0.176920 0.833330 0.876920 0.238460 0.215380 0.166660 0.000000";
new GuiTextCtrl() {
profile = "GuiTextProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "100 32";
extent = "70 18";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
text = "Random Seed:";
maxLength = "255";
tooltipprofile = "GuiToolTipProfile";
tooltip = "Seed value for random number generator.";
new GuiTextEditCtrl(sinus_seed) {
profile = "GuiTextEditProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "174 32";
extent = "78 18";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
text = "0";
maxLength = "255";
historySize = "5";
password = "0";
tabComplete = "0";
tooltipprofile = "GuiToolTipProfile";
tooltip = "Seed value for random number generator.";
new GuiButtonCtrl() {
profile = "GuiButtonProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "177 66";
extent = "73 20";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
command = "sinus_seed.setValue(terraFormer.generateSeed());Heightfield::saveTab();Heightfield::preview($selectedOperation);";
helpTag = "0";
text = "New Seed";
groupNum = "-1";
buttonType = "PushButton";
new GuiTextEditSliderCtrl() {
profile = "GuiTextEditProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "178 171";
extent = "64 18";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
variable = "sinus_filter.controlPoints";
command = "sinus_filter.controlPoints = $ThisControl.getValue();Heightfield::saveTab();Heightfield::preview($selectedOperation);";
helpTag = "0";
maxLength = "255";
historySize = "0";
password = "0";
tabComplete = "0";
format = "%3.0f";
range = "2 20";
increment = "1";
new GuiTextCtrl() {
profile = "GuiTextProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "179 150";
extent = "69 18";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
text = "Control Points:";
maxLength = "255";
new GuiControl(tab_terrainFile) {
profile = "GuiContentProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "0 0";
extent = "261 198";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "0";
helpTag = "0";
new GuiTextCtrl() {
profile = "GuiTextProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "4 2";
extent = "53 18";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
text = "TerrainFile:";
maxLength = "255";
new GuiScrollCtrl() {
profile = "GuiScrollProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "0 20";
extent = "262 180";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
willFirstRespond = "1";
hScrollBar = "dynamic";
vScrollBar = "alwaysOn";
constantThumbHeight = "0";
childMargin = "0 0";
new GuiTextListCtrl(terrainFile_textList) {
profile = "GuiTextArrayProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "2 2";
extent = "240 8";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
command = "terrainFile_terrFileText.setValue(\"terrains/\" @ terrainFile_textList.getRowTextById(terrainFile_textList.getSelectedId()));Heightfield::saveTab();Heightfield::preview($selectedOperation);";
helpTag = "0";
enumerate = "0";
resizeCell = "1";
columns = "0";
fitParentWidth = "1";
clipColumnText = "0";
new GuiTextCtrl(terrainFile_terrFileText) {
profile = "GuiTextProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "64 2";
extent = "8 18";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
maxLength = "255";
new GuiControl(tab_General) {
profile = "GuiDefaultProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "0 0";
extent = "261 198";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
new GuiTextCtrl() {
profile = "GuiTextProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "6 6";
extent = "83 18";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
text = "General Settings:";
maxLength = "255";
new GuiTextCtrl() {
profile = "GuiTextProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "8 53";
extent = "67 18";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
text = "Height Range:";
TooltipProfile = "GuiToolTipProfile";
tooltip = "Defines the maximum difference between min-height and max-height.";
maxLength = "255";
new GuiTextEditSliderCtrl(general_scale) {
profile = "GuiTextEditProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "108 52";
extent = "64 18";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
maxLength = "255";
historySize = "0";
password = "0";
tabComplete = "0";
format = "%1.0f";
range = "5 500";
increment = "1";
TooltipProfile = "GuiToolTipProfile";
tooltip = "Defines the maximum difference between min-height and max-height.";
new GuiTextCtrl() {
profile = "GuiTextProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "177 53";
extent = "33 18";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
text = "meters";
maxLength = "255";
new GuiTextCtrl() {
profile = "GuiTextProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "29 93";
extent = "74 18";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
text = "Water Level %:";
maxLength = "255";
TooltipProfile = "GuiToolTipProfile";
tooltip = "A global value used as input to subsequent filters.";
new GuiSliderCtrl(general_water) {
profile = "GuiTextProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "22 113";
extent = "200 30";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
variable = "value";
command = "general_water_meters.setValue(general_water.getValue()*general_scale.getValue()+general_min_height.getValue() @ \" meters\");Heightfield::saveTab();Heightfield::preview();";
helpTag = "0";
range = "0.000000 1.000000";
ticks = "5";
value = "0";
TooltipProfile = "GuiToolTipProfile";
tooltip = "A global value used as input to subsequent filters.";
new GuiTextCtrl(general_water_meters) {
profile = "GuiTextProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "109 93";
extent = "42 18";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
text = "0 meters";
maxLength = "255";
new GuiButtonCtrl() {
profile = "GuiButtonProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "64 158";
extent = "135 20";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
command = "Heightfield::center();";
helpTag = "0";
text = "Center on Camera";
groupNum = "-1";
buttonType = "PushButton";
TooltipProfile = "GuiToolTipProfile";
tooltip = "Sets the map origin to the current location of the camera.";
new GuiTextCtrl(general_centerx) {
profile = "GuiTextProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "6 6";
extent = "8 18";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "0";
helpTag = "0";
text = "0";
maxLength = "255";
new GuiTextCtrl(general_centery) {
profile = "GuiTextProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "6 6";
extent = "8 18";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "0";
helpTag = "0";
text = "0";
maxLength = "255";
new GuiTextCtrl() {
profile = "GuiTextProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "8 28";
extent = "89 18";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
text = "Min Terrain Height:";
TooltipProfile = "GuiToolTipProfile";
tooltip = "Defines the lowest possible point in the map.";
maxLength = "255";
new GuiTextEditSliderCtrl(general_min_height) {
profile = "GuiTextEditProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "108 27";
extent = "64 18";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
maxLength = "255";
historySize = "0";
password = "0";
tabComplete = "0";
format = "%1.0f";
range = "0 500";
increment = "1";
TooltipProfile = "GuiToolTipProfile";
tooltip = "Defines the lowest possible point in the map.";
new GuiTextCtrl() {
profile = "GuiTextProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "177 28";
extent = "33 18";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
text = "meters";
maxLength = "255";
new GuiControl(tab_Bitmap) {
profile = "GuiDefaultProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "0 0";
extent = "261 198";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "0";
helpTag = "0";
new GuiTextCtrl() {
profile = "GuiTextProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "6 6";
extent = "76 18";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
text = "Bitmap settings:";
maxLength = "255";
new GuiTextCtrl() {
profile = "GuiTextProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "10 43";
extent = "45 18";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
text = "Filename:";
maxLength = "255";
new GuiTextCtrl(bitmap_name) {
profile = "GuiTextProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "64 43";
extent = "8 18";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
maxLength = "255";
new GuiButtonCtrl(bitmap_choose) {
profile = "GuiButtonProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "10 65";
extent = "73 20";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
command = "Heightfield::setBitmap();";
helpTag = "0";
text = "Choose...";
groupNum = "-1";
buttonType = "PushButton";
new GuiControl(tab_Blend) {
profile = "GuiDefaultProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "0 0";
extent = "261 198";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "0";
helpTag = "0";
new GuiPopUpMenuCtrl(blend_option) {
profile = "GuiPopUpMenuProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "64 118";
extent = "82 20";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
command = "Heightfield::saveTab();Heightfield::preview($selectedOperation);";
helpTag = "0";
text = "Add";
maxLength = "255";
maxPopupHeight = "200";
new GuiTextCtrl() {
profile = "GuiTextProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "6 6";
extent = "71 18";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
text = "Blend settings:";
maxLength = "255";
new GuiTextCtrl() {
profile = "GuiTextProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "4 31";
extent = "34 18";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
text = "Factor:";
maxLength = "255";
tooltipprofile = "GuiToolTipProfile";
tooltip = "Relative amount by which to apply this blend.";
new GuiSliderCtrl(blend_factor) {
profile = "GuiTextProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "49 29";
extent = "200 30";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
variable = "value";
command = "Heightfield::saveTab();Heightfield::preview($selectedOperation);";
helpTag = "0";
range = "0.000000 1.000000";
ticks = "5";
value = "0.584211";
tooltipprofile = "GuiToolTipProfile";
tooltip = "Relative amount by which to apply this blend.";
new GuiTextCtrl() {
profile = "GuiTextProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "6 64";
extent = "49 18";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
text = "Source A:";
maxLength = "255";
new GuiTextCtrl() {
profile = "GuiTextProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "23 156";
extent = "205 18";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
text = "result = (A*factor) operation (B*(1-factor))";
maxLength = "255";
new GuiTextCtrl() {
profile = "GuiTextProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "7 91";
extent = "48 18";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
text = "Source B:";
maxLength = "255";
new GuiTextEditCtrl(blend_srcB) {
profile = "GuiTextEditProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "64 89";
extent = "33 18";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
text = "1";
maxLength = "255";
historySize = "5";
password = "0";
tabComplete = "0";
new GuiTextCtrl(blend_srcA) {
profile = "GuiTextProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "64 65";
extent = "92 18";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
text = "Previous Operation";
maxLength = "255";
new GuiTextCtrl() {
profile = "GuiTextProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "5 118";
extent = "50 18";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
text = "Operation:";
maxLength = "255";
new GuiControl() {
profile = "GuiDefaultProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "height";
position = "0 250";
extent = "275 210";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
new GuiPopUpMenuCtrl(Heightfield_options) {
profile = "GuiPopUpMenuProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "4 3";
extent = "199 20";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
text = "Options";
maxLength = "255";
maxPopupHeight = "200";
setText = "false";
new GuiButtonCtrl() {
profile = "GuiButtonProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "205 3";
extent = "53 20";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
command = "Heightfield::onDelete();";
helpTag = "0";
text = "Delete";
groupNum = "-1";
buttonType = "PushButton";
new GuiScrollCtrl() {
profile = "EditorScrollProfile";
horizSizing = "width";
vertSizing = "height";
position = "5 27";
extent = "261 176";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
willFirstRespond = "1";
hScrollBar = "alwaysOff";
vScrollBar = "dynamic";
constantThumbHeight = "1";
childMargin = "0 0";
new GuiTextListCtrl(Heightfield_operation) {
profile = "GuiTextListProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "2 2";
extent = "257 16";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
enumerate = "0";
resizeCell = "1";
columns = "1";
fitParentWidth = "1";
clipColumnText = "0";
new GuiButtonCtrl() {
profile = "GuiButtonProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "98 229";
extent = "80 20";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
command = "Heightfield::apply();";
helpTag = "0";
text = "Apply";
tooltipprofile = "GuiToolTipProfile";
tooltip = "Don't forget to hit apply after making changes!";
groupNum = "-1";
buttonType = "PushButton";
new GuiTerrPreviewCtrl(HeightfieldPreview) {
profile = "GuiDefaultProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "top";
position = "4 198";
extent = "256 256";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
new GuiControl(ETexture) {
profile = "GuiModelessDialogProfile";
horizSizing = "width";
vertSizing = "height";
position = "0 0";
extent = "640 458";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "0";
helpTag = "0";
new GuiTerrPreviewCtrl(TexturePreview) {
profile = "GuiDefaultProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "top";
position = "4 198";
extent = "256 256";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
new GuiControl(TextureTabParent) {
profile = "EditorScrollProfile";
horizSizing = "left";
vertSizing = "height";
position = "370 0";
extent = "270 458";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
childMargin = "0 0";
constantThumbHeight = "1";
willFirstRespond = "1";
new GuiControl(tab_DistortMask) {
profile = "GuiDefaultProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "2 1";
extent = "261 202";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "0";
helpTag = "0";
new GuiTextCtrl() {
profile = "GuiTextProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "4 1";
extent = "126 18";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
text = "Fractal Distortion Settings:";
maxLength = "255";
new GuiButtonCtrl() {
profile = "GuiButtonProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "166 97";
extent = "77 20";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
command = "dmask_seed.setValue(terraFormer.generateSeed());Texture::saveOperation();Texture::previewOperation();";
helpTag = "0";
text = "New Seed";
groupNum = "-1";
buttonType = "PushButton";
new GuiTextEditCtrl(dmask_seed) {
profile = "GuiTextEditProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "166 71";
extent = "78 18";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
text = "0";
maxLength = "255";
historySize = "5";
password = "0";
tabComplete = "0";
new GuiTextEditSliderCtrl(dmask_rough) {
profile = "GuiTextEditProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "166 47";
extent = "78 18";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
maxLength = "255";
historySize = "0";
password = "0";
tabComplete = "0";
format = "%0.3f";
range = "0 1";
increment = "0.001";
new GuiTextEditSliderCtrl(dmask_interval) {
profile = "GuiTextEditProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "166 23";
extent = "78 18";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
maxLength = "255";
historySize = "0";
password = "0";
tabComplete = "0";
format = "%1.0f";
range = "3 36";
increment = "1";
new GuiTextCtrl() {
profile = "GuiTextProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "90 23";
extent = "71 18";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
text = "Hill Frequency:";
maxLength = "255";
tooltipprofile = "GuiToolTipProfile";
tooltip = "Indirectly determines number of hills. Higher values create more hills.";
new GuiTextCtrl() {
profile = "GuiTextProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "103 47";
extent = "58 18";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
text = "Roughness:";
maxLength = "255";
tooltipprofile = "GuiToolTipProfile";
tooltip = "Determines roundness of hills. Lower values = more rounded hills.";
new GuiTextCtrl() {
profile = "GuiTextProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "91 71";
extent = "70 18";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
text = "Random Seed:";
maxLength = "255";
new GuiFilterCtrl(dmask_filter) {
profile = "GuiDefaultProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "12 96";
extent = "143 93";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
command = "Texture::saveOperation();Texture::previewOperation();";
helpTag = "0";
controlPoints = "7";
filter = "0.000000 0.166667 0.333333 0.500000 0.666667 0.833333 1.000000";
new GuiTextEditSliderCtrl() {
profile = "GuiTextEditProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "173 165";
extent = "64 18";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
variable = "dmask_filter.controlPoints";
command = "dmask_filter.controlPoints = $ThisControl.getValue();Texture::saveOperation();Texture::previewOperation();";
helpTag = "0";
maxLength = "255";
historySize = "0";
password = "0";
tabComplete = "0";
format = "%3.0f";
range = "2 20";
increment = "1";
new GuiTextCtrl() {
profile = "GuiTextProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "173 147";
extent = "69 18";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
text = "Control Points:";
maxLength = "255";
new GuiControl(tab_FractalMask) {
profile = "GuiDefaultProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "2 0";
extent = "261 202";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "0";
helpTag = "0";
new GuiTextCtrl() {
profile = "GuiTextProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "4 1";
extent = "106 18";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
text = "Fractal Mask Settings:";
maxLength = "255";
new GuiButtonCtrl() {
profile = "GuiButtonProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "168 96";
extent = "77 20";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
command = "fBmmask_seed.setValue(terraFormer.generateSeed());Texture::saveOperation();Texture::previewOperation();";
helpTag = "0";
text = "New Seed";
groupNum = "-1";
buttonType = "PushButton";
new GuiTextEditCtrl(fBmmask_seed) {
profile = "GuiTextEditProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "168 70";
extent = "78 18";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
text = "0";
maxLength = "255";
historySize = "5";
password = "0";
tabComplete = "0";
new GuiTextEditSliderCtrl(fbmmask_rough) {
profile = "GuiTextEditProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "168 46";
extent = "78 18";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
maxLength = "255";
historySize = "0";
password = "0";
tabComplete = "0";
format = "%0.3f";
range = "0 1";
increment = "0.001";
new GuiTextEditSliderCtrl(fbmmask_interval) {
profile = "GuiTextEditProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "168 22";
extent = "78 18";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
maxLength = "255";
historySize = "0";
password = "0";
tabComplete = "0";
format = "%1.0f";
range = "3 36";
increment = "1";
new GuiTextCtrl() {
profile = "GuiTextProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "92 22";
extent = "71 18";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
text = "Hill Frequency:";
maxLength = "255";
new GuiTextCtrl() {
profile = "GuiTextProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "105 46";
extent = "58 18";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
text = "Roughness:";
maxLength = "255";
new GuiTextCtrl() {
profile = "GuiTextProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "93 70";
extent = "70 18";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
text = "Random Seed:";
maxLength = "255";
new GuiFilterCtrl(fBmmask_filter) {
profile = "GuiDefaultProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "9 94";
extent = "147 98";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
command = "Texture::saveOperation();Texture::previewOperation();";
helpTag = "0";
controlPoints = "7";
filter = "0.000000 0.166670 0.333330 0.500000 0.666670 0.833330 1.000000";
new GuiCheckBoxCtrl(fBmDistort) {
profile = "GuiCheckBoxProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "166 122";
extent = "82 20";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
command = "Texture::saveOperation();Texture::previewOperation();";
helpTag = "0";
text = "Use Distortion";
groupNum = "-1";
buttonType = "ToggleButton";
new GuiTextEditSliderCtrl() {
profile = "GuiTextEditProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "168 174";
extent = "64 18";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
variable = "fBmmask_filter.controlPoints";
command = "fBmmask_filter.controlPoints = $ThisControl.getValue();Texture::saveOperation();Texture::previewOperation();";
helpTag = "0";
maxLength = "255";
historySize = "0";
password = "0";
tabComplete = "0";
format = "%3.0f";
range = "2 20";
increment = "1";
new GuiTextCtrl() {
profile = "GuiTextProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "168 155";
extent = "69 18";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
text = "Control Points:";
maxLength = "255";
new GuiControl(tab_HeightMask) {
profile = "GuiDefaultProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "2 0";
extent = "261 200";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "0";
helpTag = "0";
new GuiTextCtrl() {
profile = "GuiTextProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "4 1";
extent = "103 18";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
text = "Height Mask Settings:";
maxLength = "255";
new GuiTextCtrl() {
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text = "Filter:";
maxLength = "255";
new GuiFilterCtrl(TextureHeightFilter) {
profile = "GuiDefaultProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
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position = "46 26";
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visible = "1";
command = "Texture::saveOperation();Texture::previewOperation();";
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controlPoints = "6";
filter = "0.000000 0.200000 0.400000 0.600000 0.800000 1.000000";
new GuiCheckBoxCtrl(heightDistort) {
profile = "GuiCheckBoxProfile";
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position = "45 165";
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visible = "1";
command = "Texture::saveOperation();Texture::previewOperation();";
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text = "Use Fractal Distortion";
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buttonType = "ToggleButton";
new GuiTextEditSliderCtrl() {
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variable = "TextureHeightFilter.controlPoints";
command = "TextureHeightFilter.controlPoints = $ThisControl.getValue();Texture::saveOperation();Texture::previewOperation();";
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historySize = "0";
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new GuiTextCtrl() {
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text = "Control Points:";
maxLength = "255";
new GuiControl(tab_SlopeMask) {
profile = "GuiDefaultProfile";
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new GuiTextCtrl() {
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position = "4 1";
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text = "Slope Mask Settings:";
maxLength = "255";
new GuiTextCtrl() {
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position = "4 26";
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text = "Filter:";
maxLength = "255";
new GuiFilterCtrl(TextureSlopeFilter) {
profile = "GuiDefaultProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
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position = "45 27";
extent = "130 130";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
command = "Texture::saveOperation();Texture::previewOperation();";
helpTag = "0";
controlPoints = "7";
filter = "0.000000 0.166667 0.333333 0.500000 0.666667 0.833333 1.000000";
new GuiCheckBoxCtrl(slopeDistort) {
profile = "GuiCheckBoxProfile";
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vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "44 166";
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command = "Texture::saveOperation();Texture::previewOperation();";
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text = "Use Fractal Distortion";
groupNum = "-1";
buttonType = "ToggleButton";
new GuiTextEditSliderCtrl() {
profile = "GuiTextEditProfile";
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variable = "TextureSlopeFilter.controlPoints";
command = "TextureSlopeFilter.controlPoints = $ThisControl.getValue();Texture::saveOperation();Texture::previewOperation();";
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historySize = "0";
password = "0";
tabComplete = "0";
format = "%3.0f";
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new GuiTextCtrl() {
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helpTag = "0";
text = "Control Points:";
maxLength = "255";
new GuiControl(tab_WaterMask) {
profile = "GuiDefaultProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
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position = "2 0";
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new GuiTextCtrl() {
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position = "4 1";
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visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
text = "Water Level Mask Settings:";
maxLength = "255";
new GuiCheckBoxCtrl(waterDistort) {
profile = "GuiCheckBoxProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "63 165";
extent = "129 20";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
command = "Texture::saveOperation();Texture::previewOperation();";
helpTag = "0";
text = "Use Fractal Distortion";
groupNum = "-1";
buttonType = "ToggleButton";
new GuiControl() {
profile = "GuiDefaultProfile";
horizSizing = "left";
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position = "371 249";
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new GuiScrollCtrl() {
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new GuiTextListCtrl(Texture_material) {
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fitParentWidth = "1";
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new GuiButtonCtrl() {
profile = "GuiButtonProfile";
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position = "205 3";
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command = "Texture::deleteMaterial();";
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text = "Delete";
groupNum = "-1";
buttonType = "PushButton";
new GuiButtonCtrl() {
profile = "GuiButtonProfile";
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position = "5 3";
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visible = "1";
command = "Texture::addMaterialTexture();";
helpTag = "0";
text = "Add Material...";
groupNum = "-1";
buttonType = "PushButton";
new GuiControl() {
profile = "GuiDefaultProfile";
horizSizing = "left";
vertSizing = "height";
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new GuiPopUpMenuCtrl(Texture_operation_menu) {
profile = "GuiPopUpMenuProfile";
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position = "4 3";
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text = "Options";
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maxPopupHeight = "200";
setText = "false";
new GuiButtonCtrl() {
profile = "GuiButtonProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
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position = "205 3";
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command = "Texture::deleteOperation();";
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text = "Delete";
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buttonType = "PushButton";
new GuiScrollCtrl() {
profile = "EditorScrollProfile";
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willFirstRespond = "1";
hScrollBar = "alwaysOff";
vScrollBar = "dynamic";
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childMargin = "0 0";
new GuiTextListCtrl(Texture_operation) {
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enumerate = "0";
resizeCell = "1";
columns = "1";
fitParentWidth = "1";
clipColumnText = "0";
new GuiButtonCtrl() {
profile = "GuiButtonProfile";
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position = "456 219";
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visible = "1";
command = "Texture::applyMaterials();";
helpTag = "0";
text = "Apply";
tooltipprofile = "GuiToolTipProfile";
tooltip = "Don't forget to hit Apply after making changes!";
groupNum = "-1";
buttonType = "PushButton";
new GuiTextCtrl(TESelectionInfo) {
profile = "EditorTextProfile";
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new GuiTextCtrl(TEMouseBrushInfo) {
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new GuiTextCtrl(TESelectionInfo1) {
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new GuiTextCtrl(TEMouseBrushInfo1) {
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new GuiControl(EPainter) {
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new GuiBitmapCtrl(ETerrainMaterialBitmap0) {
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bitmap = "~/data/terrains/grassland/grass";
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new GuiTextCtrl(ETerrainMaterialText0) {
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new GuiButtonCtrl(ETerrainMaterialChange0) {
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position = "9 125";
extent = "96 22";
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visible = "1";
command = "ETerrainEditor.changeMaterial(0);";
helpTag = "0";
text = "Change...";
groupNum = "-1";
buttonType = "PushButton";
new GuiBorderButtonCtrl(ETerrainMaterialPaint0) {
profile = "GuiBorderButtonProfile";
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command = "ETerrainEditor.setPaintMaterial(0);";
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new GuiBitmapCtrl(ETerrainMaterialBitmap1) {
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new GuiTextCtrl(ETerrainMaterialText1) {
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text = "grass";
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new GuiButtonCtrl(ETerrainMaterialChange1) {
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position = "9 271";
extent = "96 22";
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visible = "1";
command = "ETerrainEditor.changeMaterial(1);";
helpTag = "0";
text = "Change...";
groupNum = "-1";
buttonType = "PushButton";
new GuiBorderButtonCtrl(ETerrainMaterialPaint1) {
profile = "GuiBorderButtonProfile";
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command = "ETerrainEditor.setPaintMaterial(1);";
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buttonType = "RadioButton";
new GuiBitmapCtrl(ETerrainMaterialBitmap2) {
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helpTag = "0";
bitmap = "~/data/terrains/grassland/grass";
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new GuiTextCtrl(ETerrainMaterialText2) {
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text = "grass";
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new GuiButtonCtrl(ETerrainMaterialChange2) {
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position = "9 413";
extent = "96 22";
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command = "ETerrainEditor.changeMaterial(2);";
helpTag = "0";
text = "Change...";
groupNum = "-1";
buttonType = "PushButton";
new GuiBorderButtonCtrl(ETerrainMaterialPaint2) {
profile = "GuiBorderButtonProfile";
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command = "ETerrainEditor.setPaintMaterial(2);";
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buttonType = "RadioButton";
new GuiBitmapCtrl(ETerrainMaterialBitmap3) {
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bitmap = "~/data/terrains/grassland/grass";
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new GuiTextCtrl(ETerrainMaterialText3) {
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new GuiButtonCtrl(ETerrainMaterialChange3) {
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command = "ETerrainEditor.changeMaterial(3);";
helpTag = "0";
text = "Change...";
groupNum = "-1";
buttonType = "PushButton";
new GuiBorderButtonCtrl(ETerrainMaterialPaint3) {
profile = "GuiBorderButtonProfile";
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command = "ETerrainEditor.setPaintMaterial(3);";
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new GuiBitmapCtrl(ETerrainMaterialBitmap4) {
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bitmap = "~/data/terrains/grassland/grass";
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new GuiTextCtrl(ETerrainMaterialText4) {
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text = "grass";
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new GuiButtonCtrl(ETerrainMaterialChange4) {
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position = "122 271";
extent = "96 22";
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visible = "1";
command = "ETerrainEditor.changeMaterial(4);";
helpTag = "0";
text = "Change...";
groupNum = "-1";
buttonType = "PushButton";
new GuiBorderButtonCtrl(ETerrainMaterialPaint4) {
profile = "GuiBorderButtonProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
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command = "ETerrainEditor.setPaintMaterial(4);";
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new GuiBitmapCtrl(ETerrainMaterialBitmap5) {
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visible = "1";
helpTag = "0";
bitmap = "~/data/terrains/grassland/grass";
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new GuiTextCtrl(ETerrainMaterialText5) {
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text = "grass";
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new GuiButtonCtrl(ETerrainMaterialChange5) {
profile = "GuiButtonProfile";
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position = "122 412";
extent = "96 22";
minExtent = "8 8";
visible = "1";
command = "ETerrainEditor.changeMaterial(5);";
helpTag = "0";
text = "Change...";
groupNum = "-1";
buttonType = "PushButton";
new GuiBorderButtonCtrl(ETerrainMaterialPaint5) {
profile = "GuiBorderButtonProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
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command = "ETerrainEditor.setPaintMaterial(5);";
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buttonType = "RadioButton";
new GuiMenuBar(EditorMenuBar) {
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new GuiControl(RelightMessage) {
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visible = "0";
new GuiTextCtrl() {
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text = "A lightmapped object has been altered; relight the scene!";
maxLength = "255";
new GuiButtonCtrl() {
profile = "GuiButtonProfile";
horizSizing = "left";
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command = "lightScene(\"\", forceAlways); RelightMessage.visible = false;";
text = "Relight Scene";
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buttonType = "PushButton";
new GuiButtonCtrl() {
profile = "GuiButtonProfile";
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command = "RelightMessage.visible = false;";
text = "Hide";
groupNum = "-1";
buttonType = "PushButton";